By Mansor Puteh
They tried to do it in the jungles of Vietnam, but failed; so they knew they could not succeed in the deserts of Afghanistan, too.
And weren’t Osama and gang, the Talibans, Mujahiddin and Al-Qaeda fighting in the defense of democracy and support of America which readily supplied them with arms, and what it stands for, too? So why were they not duly recognized by America for having done a good job?
They were all enlisted by America to fight the Soviet Communists when they were too scared to send their forces and servicemen to go to Afghanistan because they would perish in the harsh deserts of the country. Even the better trained and armed Soviet soldiers could not survive.
How could American and western chickens survive in the deserts? Only the brave men of Afghanistan can.
So didn’t they deserve to be given the Medals of Honor at the White House and taken on ticker-tape parades in all major cities in America with rose petals thrown over them for being the true champions of democracy and who were the freedom fighters all Americans ought to be proud of and to emulate – the men in robes and turbans?
One would have thought so.
That it would be an interesting sight in America and the west, was too scary for American and western leaders to see – if they had been allowed such attention and their hardcore attitudes and biases as well as prejudices that had been formed in many of them, especially with the creation of the Zionist state, had to be reshaped.
But, alas, it was a sight that had not been allowed to happen. They had to be turned into a spectacle and then ways found to chastised them.
How could a group of people who were heroes of America be turned into crooks in so fast a time, whereas they had taken almost a decade to get rid of the Soviet Communists and Communism in Afghanistan?
But, unfortunately, this did not happen. They were not paid for their service to America. No gratituty or pensions given. Whereas families of American servicemen who die in battles are given hundreds of thousands of dollars and buried as national heroes.
America and their media wanted to get rid of them before those men in robes and turbans become acceptable to modernization, democracy and symbols of courage in today’s America and today’s world.
America did not need real-life Rudolf Valentinos of today’s era. The Arabs had to be chastised and they had to be defamed at all costs.
Rudolf Valentino played Arab sheiks in many silent films of Hollywood such as ‘The Sheik’ and ‘Son of Sheik’, who became the romantic hero of Hollywood and America’s favorite sweetheart.
So the Talibans and Osama and gang, should not be allowed to become America’s new group of real-life romantic heroes so films on their heroic acts fighting the Soviet Communists could not be turned into films by Hollywood which has not had enough of films of the persecution by the Nazis during the Second World War.
So, we can never see a Hollywood film entitled, ‘The Diaries of Osama’ in a long time, ‘Osama of the Deserts’ or ‘The Taliban Heroes, and so on.
Hollywood still prefers to stick its head in the Second World War and not in the deserts of Afghanistan this way.
These are some questions America ought to ask itself before he continues to go on a rampage to disparage those who had helped them?
Maybe a Senate inquiry ought to be done to find out what went wrong with this regard so we know how the ensuing debacle involving America and its allies in the same region had been allowed to happen and why. So move over, Watergate… this is a bigger disgrace for America which has caused untold damage to its reputation as the defender of democracy and whose image has now been shredded to tatters.
Nelson Mandela was right when he said he did not forget who his friends were, when America tried to stop him from meeting Muamar Ghadaffy on his trip to Libya, knowing very well how Libya was one of Mandela’s staunch supporters when his country, South Africa was under Apartheid, a regime which America did not do its level best to condemn allowing it to go on for a very long time leaving Mandela incarcerated in prison for 27 years, for nothing.
America is also helping Muslims to create interesting stories for feature films, television mini-serials and for stage plays as well as musicals, all dealing with what is happening in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Iran today. There are already many interesting episodes and stories that can be easily turned into novels and short stories, or even songs.
And for a long time, Vietnam and the Second World War had given Americans inspiration to produce literary works and cinema and television as well as Broadway plays and other shows.
Where were the real democrats when America was waging war with the Communists in Afghanistan? Are they only good at shouting slogans and carrying placards in noisy and senseless demonstrations in New York City, Washington DC and London?
No, they are not real democrats; they are cowards. The real democrats are those who were willing to sacrifice their lives by fighting the Soviet Communist forces in Afghanistan. They are the real heroes of democracy, of America. The other demonstrators in America, England and Europe are cowards.
Even now, how many Americans and Europeans who are willing to fight America’s war? Why send those who are in need of citizenship? Why the colored? Where are the Caucasian and pure blooded democrats?
Why are they scared to be sent to Afghanistan then and Iraq now? Are they afraid that they would be sent home in body bags with their names engraved in the wall of dead American servicemen in Washington DC?
This is an extension of my earlier article, ‘Today’s crooks, tomorrow’s heroes?’ which was posted in this blog earlier.
It was written because the Americans who are responsible for their own problems do not seem to know what they are trying to do.
America and their leadership seem to be going in circle. It has made the Muslim World confused and dizzy having to follow them going around in circles.
America has created heroes, then turned around and turned them into crooks. Who else will be given similar treatment?
Who are their allies now? And who amongst them who will be charged for being crooks in the near future?
America cannot leave them in suspension; it has to be firm and definite. Heroes are heroes, no matter what; and crooks are crooks, no matter what.
One cannot be a hero today and a crook tomorrow, just because America thinks it is very convenient for them to have heroes and crooks for different times and purposes.
And in the process, some iconic towers in America had to be brought down, and inspired from many interesting Hollywood action movies.
Those who had brought down the Twin Towers must have been fascinated with Hollywood action films and had learnt a lot from them, especially the film, ‘Independence Day’ which wanted the White House demolished. But it turned out to be the Twin Towers instead that had to be brought down in real life.
So I thought I could do them a favor by teaching them a bit on what the future lies for them, and how America can lose badly in Afghanistan, Iraq and also Iran like what they did in Vietnam.
Hasn’t America learnt from their defeat in Vietnam? Are they stilling willing to repeat the grave mistakes they had made in the 1960s? And when will America ever learn?
How come with all the smart and brilliant people in America, none has said anything interesting on this matter? Their only problem is that they do not know much of the world. Their world is too small and their perspective limited.
Worse, they do not know why America came into being?The answer is: America was supposed to draw the best from all over the world so that they can become the center of the world, with all its cultures and brilliance so that they can become a beacon of hope for everybody. And despite their small size, they can still become good examples for the rest of the world to follow.To some extent, they were capable to do this. But unfortunately, as the years roll on, they started to become too stuck up; they became too complacent and start to demand everybody follows in its footsteps, which seem to be going everywhere. America has lost its direction. And the world is confused.
The Muslim World for which they also try to lead is also at a loss. Muslims who were happy to be in their caves with nothing modern were forced to leave them. And they are also at a loss. What does America want them to do?
America is now seen as the ungrateful! The whole world had converged onto the country by offering their best even though the way many of them went there is by them and their ancestors having been persecuted by the Nazis during the Second World War.
But alas, America can be charged for being an ingrate. How so?
They had used the Arabs, Afghans and Iraqis to help their country and countrymen to defend democracy in Afghanistan by supporting them to fight the Soviet Communists which had occupied Afghanistan for so long.
And America and its allies had also freely given them all sorts of arms to that they were able to get rid of the Soviet influence in that country.And in the course, Al-Qaeda was created, and amongst them Osama bin Laden was anointed hero of the pack. He was indeed hero of democracy, and of America, when nobody from America and other democratic countries or those that claim to uphold democracy, had dared to come anywhere near Afghanistan or the region, and sacrifice their lives.
The dirty work was done by Osama and his group, who triumphed when they managed to outwit and finally removed Soviet influences in Afghanistan even before they could proceed to influence the other neighboring countries.
Yet, Osama and his group were never recognized as true defenders of democracy. They were not given on parades in the major cities in America, and hailed as heroes of democracy and were feted with a lavish banquet at the White House by the then president George W Bush.
They were indeed heroes of America. They had sacrificed their lives to get rid of communism in Afghanistan, and with it, the whole region became Communist-free.
Scores of the mujahidden died in the decade-long war against the Communists, with scores of the Communist soldiers dead, leaving their country almost bankrupt which then saw the collapse of the Soviet Union, leaving many of its republics free to be on their own.
And what had brought about all these changes, if not for the contribution of Osama and gang?
Now they are being hounded. They are being persecuted. They are being condemned to be America’s worst enemies, when in an earlier time, they were America’s darlings.
No American who claims to be staunch supporters of democracy would dare to go to Afghanistan then or Iraq now. They are only brave to go on marches in New York City, Washington DC and London and some other cities in Europe shouting about how they support democracy.
But none of them had dared to go to Afghanistan then to stop Communism from taking roots in Afghanistan and spreading its tentacles throughout the whole region.
The Afghans, Arabs and Muslims did. Some of them were from Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia.
They did not hold banners in noisy demonstrations in western cities; they just drop everything and rushed to Afghanistan to do whatever they could.
Yet, their sacrifices were all in vain, when America got what it wanted – Afghanistan, free from Communist influences, and they immediately turned around and aimed their guns at those who had spent years in the inhospitable deserts to push the Communists back to their own lands.
America therefore can be charged for being an ingrate because of this. They did not know how to show appreciation and an ounce of human decency by parading the leaders of the Mujahidden and Al-Qaeda and offer them Medals of Honor that they so deserve.
And the same can be done by the leaders of the so-called democratic in the west which had benefited from the sacrifices made by these men and their followers.
And was it not Saddam Hussein who was supplied with arms by America and its allies to fight Iran in their decade-long war? And what happened to Saddam? He did not become America’s hero, but was immediately condemned and had to be extinguished or hanged.
By Mansor Puteh
They tried to do it in the jungles of Vietnam, but failed; so they knew they could not succeed in the deserts of Afghanistan, too.
And weren’t Osama and gang, the Talibans, Mujahiddin and Al-Qaeda fighting in the defense of democracy and support of America which readily supplied them with arms, and what it stands for, too? So why were they not duly recognized by America for having done a good job?
They were all enlisted by America to fight the Soviet Communists when they were too scared to send their forces and servicemen to go to Afghanistan because they would perish in the harsh deserts of the country. Even the better trained and armed Soviet soldiers could not survive.
How could American and western chickens survive in the deserts? Only the brave men of Afghanistan can.
So didn’t they deserve to be given the Medals of Honor at the White House and taken on ticker-tape parades in all major cities in America with rose petals thrown over them for being the true champions of democracy and who were the freedom fighters all Americans ought to be proud of and to emulate – the men in robes and turbans?
One would have thought so.
That it would be an interesting sight in America and the west, was too scary for American and western leaders to see – if they had been allowed such attention and their hardcore attitudes and biases as well as prejudices that had been formed in many of them, especially with the creation of the Zionist state, had to be reshaped.
But, alas, it was a sight that had not been allowed to happen. They had to be turned into a spectacle and then ways found to chastised them.
How could a group of people who were heroes of America be turned into crooks in so fast a time, whereas they had taken almost a decade to get rid of the Soviet Communists and Communism in Afghanistan?
But, unfortunately, this did not happen. They were not paid for their service to America. No gratituty or pensions given. Whereas families of American servicemen who die in battles are given hundreds of thousands of dollars and buried as national heroes.
America and their media wanted to get rid of them before those men in robes and turbans become acceptable to modernization, democracy and symbols of courage in today’s America and today’s world.
America did not need real-life Rudolf Valentinos of today’s era. The Arabs had to be chastised and they had to be defamed at all costs.
Rudolf Valentino played Arab sheiks in many silent films of Hollywood such as ‘The Sheik’ and ‘Son of Sheik’, who became the romantic hero of Hollywood and America’s favorite sweetheart.
So the Talibans and Osama and gang, should not be allowed to become America’s new group of real-life romantic heroes so films on their heroic acts fighting the Soviet Communists could not be turned into films by Hollywood which has not had enough of films of the persecution by the Nazis during the Second World War.
So, we can never see a Hollywood film entitled, ‘The Diaries of Osama’ in a long time, ‘Osama of the Deserts’ or ‘The Taliban Heroes, and so on.
Hollywood still prefers to stick its head in the Second World War and not in the deserts of Afghanistan this way.
These are some questions America ought to ask itself before he continues to go on a rampage to disparage those who had helped them?
Maybe a Senate inquiry ought to be done to find out what went wrong with this regard so we know how the ensuing debacle involving America and its allies in the same region had been allowed to happen and why. So move over, Watergate… this is a bigger disgrace for America which has caused untold damage to its reputation as the defender of democracy and whose image has now been shredded to tatters.
Nelson Mandela was right when he said he did not forget who his friends were, when America tried to stop him from meeting Muamar Ghadaffy on his trip to Libya, knowing very well how Libya was one of Mandela’s staunch supporters when his country, South Africa was under Apartheid, a regime which America did not do its level best to condemn allowing it to go on for a very long time leaving Mandela incarcerated in prison for 27 years, for nothing.
America is also helping Muslims to create interesting stories for feature films, television mini-serials and for stage plays as well as musicals, all dealing with what is happening in the Middle East, Afghanistan, Iraq, Palestine and Iran today. There are already many interesting episodes and stories that can be easily turned into novels and short stories, or even songs.
And for a long time, Vietnam and the Second World War had given Americans inspiration to produce literary works and cinema and television as well as Broadway plays and other shows.
Where were the real democrats when America was waging war with the Communists in Afghanistan? Are they only good at shouting slogans and carrying placards in noisy and senseless demonstrations in New York City, Washington DC and London?
No, they are not real democrats; they are cowards. The real democrats are those who were willing to sacrifice their lives by fighting the Soviet Communist forces in Afghanistan. They are the real heroes of democracy, of America. The other demonstrators in America, England and Europe are cowards.
Even now, how many Americans and Europeans who are willing to fight America’s war? Why send those who are in need of citizenship? Why the colored? Where are the Caucasian and pure blooded democrats?
Why are they scared to be sent to Afghanistan then and Iraq now? Are they afraid that they would be sent home in body bags with their names engraved in the wall of dead American servicemen in Washington DC?
This is an extension of my earlier article, ‘Today’s crooks, tomorrow’s heroes?’ which was posted in this blog earlier.
It was written because the Americans who are responsible for their own problems do not seem to know what they are trying to do.
America and their leadership seem to be going in circle. It has made the Muslim World confused and dizzy having to follow them going around in circles.
America has created heroes, then turned around and turned them into crooks. Who else will be given similar treatment?
Who are their allies now? And who amongst them who will be charged for being crooks in the near future?
America cannot leave them in suspension; it has to be firm and definite. Heroes are heroes, no matter what; and crooks are crooks, no matter what.
One cannot be a hero today and a crook tomorrow, just because America thinks it is very convenient for them to have heroes and crooks for different times and purposes.
And in the process, some iconic towers in America had to be brought down, and inspired from many interesting Hollywood action movies.
Those who had brought down the Twin Towers must have been fascinated with Hollywood action films and had learnt a lot from them, especially the film, ‘Independence Day’ which wanted the White House demolished. But it turned out to be the Twin Towers instead that had to be brought down in real life.
So I thought I could do them a favor by teaching them a bit on what the future lies for them, and how America can lose badly in Afghanistan, Iraq and also Iran like what they did in Vietnam.
Hasn’t America learnt from their defeat in Vietnam? Are they stilling willing to repeat the grave mistakes they had made in the 1960s? And when will America ever learn?
How come with all the smart and brilliant people in America, none has said anything interesting on this matter? Their only problem is that they do not know much of the world. Their world is too small and their perspective limited.
Worse, they do not know why America came into being?The answer is: America was supposed to draw the best from all over the world so that they can become the center of the world, with all its cultures and brilliance so that they can become a beacon of hope for everybody. And despite their small size, they can still become good examples for the rest of the world to follow.To some extent, they were capable to do this. But unfortunately, as the years roll on, they started to become too stuck up; they became too complacent and start to demand everybody follows in its footsteps, which seem to be going everywhere. America has lost its direction. And the world is confused.
The Muslim World for which they also try to lead is also at a loss. Muslims who were happy to be in their caves with nothing modern were forced to leave them. And they are also at a loss. What does America want them to do?
America is now seen as the ungrateful! The whole world had converged onto the country by offering their best even though the way many of them went there is by them and their ancestors having been persecuted by the Nazis during the Second World War.
But alas, America can be charged for being an ingrate. How so?
They had used the Arabs, Afghans and Iraqis to help their country and countrymen to defend democracy in Afghanistan by supporting them to fight the Soviet Communists which had occupied Afghanistan for so long.
And America and its allies had also freely given them all sorts of arms to that they were able to get rid of the Soviet influence in that country.And in the course, Al-Qaeda was created, and amongst them Osama bin Laden was anointed hero of the pack. He was indeed hero of democracy, and of America, when nobody from America and other democratic countries or those that claim to uphold democracy, had dared to come anywhere near Afghanistan or the region, and sacrifice their lives.
The dirty work was done by Osama and his group, who triumphed when they managed to outwit and finally removed Soviet influences in Afghanistan even before they could proceed to influence the other neighboring countries.
Yet, Osama and his group were never recognized as true defenders of democracy. They were not given on parades in the major cities in America, and hailed as heroes of democracy and were feted with a lavish banquet at the White House by the then president George W Bush.
They were indeed heroes of America. They had sacrificed their lives to get rid of communism in Afghanistan, and with it, the whole region became Communist-free.
Scores of the mujahidden died in the decade-long war against the Communists, with scores of the Communist soldiers dead, leaving their country almost bankrupt which then saw the collapse of the Soviet Union, leaving many of its republics free to be on their own.
And what had brought about all these changes, if not for the contribution of Osama and gang?
Now they are being hounded. They are being persecuted. They are being condemned to be America’s worst enemies, when in an earlier time, they were America’s darlings.
No American who claims to be staunch supporters of democracy would dare to go to Afghanistan then or Iraq now. They are only brave to go on marches in New York City, Washington DC and London and some other cities in Europe shouting about how they support democracy.
But none of them had dared to go to Afghanistan then to stop Communism from taking roots in Afghanistan and spreading its tentacles throughout the whole region.
The Afghans, Arabs and Muslims did. Some of them were from Indonesia and other countries in Southeast Asia.
They did not hold banners in noisy demonstrations in western cities; they just drop everything and rushed to Afghanistan to do whatever they could.
Yet, their sacrifices were all in vain, when America got what it wanted – Afghanistan, free from Communist influences, and they immediately turned around and aimed their guns at those who had spent years in the inhospitable deserts to push the Communists back to their own lands.
America therefore can be charged for being an ingrate because of this. They did not know how to show appreciation and an ounce of human decency by parading the leaders of the Mujahidden and Al-Qaeda and offer them Medals of Honor that they so deserve.
And the same can be done by the leaders of the so-called democratic in the west which had benefited from the sacrifices made by these men and their followers.
And was it not Saddam Hussein who was supplied with arms by America and its allies to fight Iran in their decade-long war? And what happened to Saddam? He did not become America’s hero, but was immediately condemned and had to be extinguished or hanged.