By Mansor Puteh

…Justice for whom – the law or the angry and disappointed?

There can never be the truth in the case of the death of one Teoh Beng Hock. He had probably taken with him the mystery surrounding his death which no amount of prodding and protests can unveil.

And no royal commission of inquiry can unveil the mysteries surrounding his death.

If he was not related to any opposition political party, the case would have been dealt expeditiously with no ‘scandal’ or protest and unnecessary out of court dramas.

One pities the person who is dead. He is gone and cannot be resurrected how ever much one wants a miracle of miracles to make that happen.

The most that one can get is to get a court order for the exhumation of his body which is buried, again and again.

And no matter how expert one can be in the law, the truth of the matter is that the funeral wake has not woken many into believing that there is a controversy.

It is a case that has spent its usefulness for many as they grapple with their personal issues which are more pressing.
Who would want a person like that dead in the first place? What advantage does he have seeing him dead anyway? And who would want to hurl his body out of any window of any high-rise building?

These are some of the suspicions those who insist on having the royal commission of inquiry and the others who have cast aspersions on the investigations and findings, which did not agree with their own personal decisions on the matter.

What possible damage could he do if he were still alive?

I was in Cambridge, England in July, 2009 when I first read about his mysterious death in Shahalam.

I had earlier head how he had been asked to come to the anti-corruption agency office in the MBSA building. Many people had done this routine before but none had gone over-board to meet their untimely death being hurled from the building.

So this led many people to immediately want to jump to the conclusion that Beng Hock was hurled over a window of the MBSA building in Shahalam, simply because Beng Hock was aligned to an opposition political party.

If he had incriminating evidence on some people or parties, then why would the agency want him dead?
They should want to keep him alive and healthy so they could draw those information from him sooner or later.
Those who want him dead are definitely those who may be implicated by him exposing them.

So logically, it makes no sense for the officers of the law to want to do something that brings disadvantages to them.

These are things that have not been written or wondered about by many who are quick to jump t the wrong conclusions on the matter, without saying much.

They just want a verdict that pleases them. But what sort of verdict do they all want? They did not say.

They want some people to be charged for Beng Hock’s death, but who?

Yes, the party concerned may be governing the state of Selangor at this time, but their party and coalition on the whole are the opposition party and coalition, nationally.

Bringing in the experts who conduct post-mortems can bring in so much.

But so far none of them and the others who want to unravel the mystery has tried to look at the body lying on the ground.

There is a lot of information that can be discovered from how it is placed, from how I see it based purely on the published photo of Beng Hock’s body lying on the ground.
There is a lot of information that one can get from it alone without one having to conduct a post-mortem first.
And from my view, there is no chance for Beng Hock to have been hurled by an individual or two persons over the window.

I dare admit that I am being impartial in this matter as I do not have any special interest in this particular case other than to share my views on the matter.
There are signs which do not lead to this sort of conclusion. How?

First, it would take at least two persons to carry his body, supposing he had already died before he was hurled over the window of the building.
If he had been carried by two persons, one of them would have to carry him from the back over his shoulders with the other person carrying him at his feet.

If this is done, then there are surely bad cringes and wrinkles in his jacket and shirts.

His socks would also be badly shaped and his shoes would also be loose and slip off his feet.

Beng Hock's body would also show bad stress marks around the places where they had been grabbed with the pressure being applied to them in a strong grip.

If he had died a while ago, his flesh would not be taut, so the damage to it is more severe than if he was still alive and kicking about trying to free himself from the individual or individuals who are dragging him from somewhere and hurling him over the window ledge.

There is no way for the body or corpse not to show such signs which are obvious and can even be seen with the naked eye.
The other telling sign for a person not to have been hurled off a window of any building is the spot where the corpse finally sat on the ground.

If the body was hurled off the window of the MBSA building by two persons, then chances are the body would just fall by the side of the wall of the building, and in the process the whole body would be damaged, and chances are, his limbs too might be severed.

Two persons could not possibly have the strength to hurl any dead body weighing around fifty-five kilograms off any window, never mind one person.
This did not happen.

Beng Hock's body was found to be away from the side of the building and this indicates that certain effort had been made by the person to jump out of the window.

Lastly, one doubts what use is for anyone who wants to get rid of Beng Hock knowing how his tragic death could lead to a lot of people and parties having a field day to condemn everybody, like he could be revived by them doing so?

I rest my case.
