By Mansor Puteh
Don’t America and the Zionist leaders realize that six decades of repression and cruelty on the Palestinians and some other Arabs will some day bring in the unexpected ‘dividends’?
What have they not done to the Palestinians, other Arabs and Muslims that they have not done over these years that they want to do still?
Will they not be fully satisfied if they had starved all of them and demolish Mekkah and Madinnah?
Didn’t they know they are their own worst enemies? That they are the ones who have caused many Arabs and Muslims to scurry out of the Arab and Muslim Worlds, as a result of their cruel policies, so one day the Arabs and Muslims are everywhere.
Aren’t they also the main reasons why Iran is pursuing a nuclear option? Don’t blame them for wanting to do something what their adversaries have been doing all these years and reaping immense pleasure and dividends from their own programs.
America and the Zionists only respect and consider countries and peoples who have a nuclear program; they look down and belittle those that do not have it.
So one cannot deny that they are hating themselves for being forced to admire and appreciate Ahmadenijad and the Iranians for what they are doing now.
They are now so close to the White House.
But it is good that the American voters had turned in Barack Hussein Obama as their president or the situation could be worse for them.
Now they know what type of dividends many are talking about.
And it has happened at the right time, when no one including the CIA had expected something like this to happen.
What happened is really beyond what the American political and history analysts could ever imagine; they had never been trained to look at the Arab World in a truthful manner.
Their views are always clouded by their own personal and racial as well as religious prejudices and other biases.
All these could not be erased as long as they do not try to look at the world and the new realities of life.
Even when the first stirrings of it had happened in Tunisia, followed with Yemen.
Still, from Mesir, which country will the Arab World take on the plight of the Arab? Lubnan, Syria and Libya next?
What is happening in the Arab World is not like what had happened in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China in the 1980s followed by what happened in the Philippines, Indonesia and Siam.
It cannot be replicated in Myanmar.
Offering Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak US$1.5 billion in aid annually to prop up his repressive regime, which acts against the interests of his countrymen surely cannot be sustained too long.
Isn’t that bribery of the highest order?
The question is: What took the people of Mesir or Masri so long to realize this? And when are they going to start raising and burning the flags of America and of the Zionist state?
What’s the point in blaming Hosni without blaming these two countries? It was because of them that Hosni has to suffer today because on his own, he could not do half as much as what he had done over the last three decades to his country and his countrymen.
The actions of the Zionists to further punish the Arabs in Gaza and some other related incidents in the Middle East were what finally broke the camel’s back.
While there are many countries in South America which have officially recognized the existence of the state of Palestine, yet, none of its brave leaders who also say their countries suffer from repression by the same American regime, has yet to comment on what is currently happening in Mesir as a show of support for its people acting against American and Zionist aggression on them.
Tahrir Square has become the epicenter of popular dissent in Mesir and also the Ground Zero of American and Zionist aggression and repression on the Arab and other countries.
The reason being some of them feel that they are also in the same position as Hosni, in that they, too, have been in office for too long, although they may also not be in the good books of America and who also receive bribes from them like Hosni does.
While the American president tries to pretend he is democratic, the Zionist leaders have no choice but to remain still and quiet as church mice.
Their’s were the repressive and undemocratic policies not of the Obama administration but those of the evil policies of the Bushes administrations, which Barack is slowly dismantling. And the Masri today are helping him to do that starting in the streets in and around Tahrir Square in Kaherah.
Their last aggression on the Palestinians which is to build more houses for the Jews in the disputed lands in Baitulmukaddis other than to partake in their most favorite pastime which is to bomb Palestine Arabs to smithereens whenever they like it, suddenly ceased.
Of course, it is not civilized to go on fox or duck hunting anymore. The hobby of some titled men in England of old has been banned.
But the hunting of Palestine Arabs by the Zionists have not yet stopped. It still remains their most favorite pastime.
The other favorite pastime of the Zionist is the construction of the wall for the New Masada.
Chances are they are not about to ban it altogether.
The Zionists are in a fix. But it may be a temporary setback as they can still proceed with the matter when the dust settles in Kaherah and other parts of Mesir.
Meanwhile, Barack and his secretary of state Hilary Clinton continue to pretend to say that the Masri or former Egyptians have the right to self-government.
They are only now saying so, when in the past their predecessors had insisted that they were the ones who could determine ‘stability’ in the country, i.e. by continuing to offer bribes openly to the Hosni Mubarak regime to the tune of US$1.5 billion a year.
Unfortunately, such a huge amount of money in aide as it is described was mostly to aide a repressive regime of Hosni’s and his ilk in Mesir.
It was to ensure their stability and not that of its people who did not seem to enjoy receiving such massive financial aid which comes as an annual stipend to them.
Where did all the money go to?
In the meantime, the Mubarak regime continues to pursue his private course which is to deny majority right and insistence by showing defiance against Zionist aggression.
They did not even allow the peace flotilla comprising of few ships all laden with goods organized by Viva Palestina to travel to Gaza by land.
So they were forced to sail the Mediterranean where they were shot at and resulting in some Turkiye people dead and all the goods seized.
This is probably the second last straw that broke the camel’s back, the camel which had remained stoic all these decades just could not take it anymore.
It had seen the repressive nature of the Mubarak regime aided by the equally repressive American regime – read the Bushes Regime – and the Zionist regime.
These are some of the things which caused the people of Mesir to now want to do something about it. How could anyone expect them not to want to do something about the situation they were forced to be at – being pushed all the way to the back until they were almost back to Pharonic times?
By Mansor Puteh
Don’t America and the Zionist leaders realize that six decades of repression and cruelty on the Palestinians and some other Arabs will some day bring in the unexpected ‘dividends’?
What have they not done to the Palestinians, other Arabs and Muslims that they have not done over these years that they want to do still?
Will they not be fully satisfied if they had starved all of them and demolish Mekkah and Madinnah?
Didn’t they know they are their own worst enemies? That they are the ones who have caused many Arabs and Muslims to scurry out of the Arab and Muslim Worlds, as a result of their cruel policies, so one day the Arabs and Muslims are everywhere.
Aren’t they also the main reasons why Iran is pursuing a nuclear option? Don’t blame them for wanting to do something what their adversaries have been doing all these years and reaping immense pleasure and dividends from their own programs.
America and the Zionists only respect and consider countries and peoples who have a nuclear program; they look down and belittle those that do not have it.
So one cannot deny that they are hating themselves for being forced to admire and appreciate Ahmadenijad and the Iranians for what they are doing now.
They are now so close to the White House.
But it is good that the American voters had turned in Barack Hussein Obama as their president or the situation could be worse for them.
Now they know what type of dividends many are talking about.
And it has happened at the right time, when no one including the CIA had expected something like this to happen.
What happened is really beyond what the American political and history analysts could ever imagine; they had never been trained to look at the Arab World in a truthful manner.
Their views are always clouded by their own personal and racial as well as religious prejudices and other biases.
All these could not be erased as long as they do not try to look at the world and the new realities of life.
Even when the first stirrings of it had happened in Tunisia, followed with Yemen.
Still, from Mesir, which country will the Arab World take on the plight of the Arab? Lubnan, Syria and Libya next?
What is happening in the Arab World is not like what had happened in Tiananmen Square in Beijing, China in the 1980s followed by what happened in the Philippines, Indonesia and Siam.
It cannot be replicated in Myanmar.
Offering Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak US$1.5 billion in aid annually to prop up his repressive regime, which acts against the interests of his countrymen surely cannot be sustained too long.
Isn’t that bribery of the highest order?
The question is: What took the people of Mesir or Masri so long to realize this? And when are they going to start raising and burning the flags of America and of the Zionist state?
What’s the point in blaming Hosni without blaming these two countries? It was because of them that Hosni has to suffer today because on his own, he could not do half as much as what he had done over the last three decades to his country and his countrymen.
The actions of the Zionists to further punish the Arabs in Gaza and some other related incidents in the Middle East were what finally broke the camel’s back.
While there are many countries in South America which have officially recognized the existence of the state of Palestine, yet, none of its brave leaders who also say their countries suffer from repression by the same American regime, has yet to comment on what is currently happening in Mesir as a show of support for its people acting against American and Zionist aggression on them.
Tahrir Square has become the epicenter of popular dissent in Mesir and also the Ground Zero of American and Zionist aggression and repression on the Arab and other countries.
The reason being some of them feel that they are also in the same position as Hosni, in that they, too, have been in office for too long, although they may also not be in the good books of America and who also receive bribes from them like Hosni does.
While the American president tries to pretend he is democratic, the Zionist leaders have no choice but to remain still and quiet as church mice.
Their’s were the repressive and undemocratic policies not of the Obama administration but those of the evil policies of the Bushes administrations, which Barack is slowly dismantling. And the Masri today are helping him to do that starting in the streets in and around Tahrir Square in Kaherah.
Their last aggression on the Palestinians which is to build more houses for the Jews in the disputed lands in Baitulmukaddis other than to partake in their most favorite pastime which is to bomb Palestine Arabs to smithereens whenever they like it, suddenly ceased.
Of course, it is not civilized to go on fox or duck hunting anymore. The hobby of some titled men in England of old has been banned.
But the hunting of Palestine Arabs by the Zionists have not yet stopped. It still remains their most favorite pastime.
The other favorite pastime of the Zionist is the construction of the wall for the New Masada.
Chances are they are not about to ban it altogether.
The Zionists are in a fix. But it may be a temporary setback as they can still proceed with the matter when the dust settles in Kaherah and other parts of Mesir.
Meanwhile, Barack and his secretary of state Hilary Clinton continue to pretend to say that the Masri or former Egyptians have the right to self-government.
They are only now saying so, when in the past their predecessors had insisted that they were the ones who could determine ‘stability’ in the country, i.e. by continuing to offer bribes openly to the Hosni Mubarak regime to the tune of US$1.5 billion a year.
Unfortunately, such a huge amount of money in aide as it is described was mostly to aide a repressive regime of Hosni’s and his ilk in Mesir.
It was to ensure their stability and not that of its people who did not seem to enjoy receiving such massive financial aid which comes as an annual stipend to them.
Where did all the money go to?
In the meantime, the Mubarak regime continues to pursue his private course which is to deny majority right and insistence by showing defiance against Zionist aggression.
They did not even allow the peace flotilla comprising of few ships all laden with goods organized by Viva Palestina to travel to Gaza by land.
So they were forced to sail the Mediterranean where they were shot at and resulting in some Turkiye people dead and all the goods seized.
This is probably the second last straw that broke the camel’s back, the camel which had remained stoic all these decades just could not take it anymore.
It had seen the repressive nature of the Mubarak regime aided by the equally repressive American regime – read the Bushes Regime – and the Zionist regime.
These are some of the things which caused the people of Mesir to now want to do something about it. How could anyone expect them not to want to do something about the situation they were forced to be at – being pushed all the way to the back until they were almost back to Pharonic times?