By Mansor Puteh
(This is written as a personal
tribute to the Late Gary Braut, who liked to describe himself
as 'The Jew who fell in love
with Malaysia
and its people, who owned the Precision
Automative factory in Selayang
employing more than 150 employees mostly Bangladeshi
who passed away in January,
2011, having lived in Malaysia
for close to 20 years.)
Someone must write the truth
about the thinking and mentality of the Zionist leaders
especially the prime minister
of the Zionist state of Israel ,
Benjamin Netanyahu, to expose
the factors involved.
Here is an original analysis
of it, which I hope can be published so that the Palestinian
Issue can be looked at in a
totally different light instead of harping on the old ones.
The state of Israel does not have a natural
supply of water and it does not have natural
security features to allow it
to be safe from the elements and neighbors.
No wonder before the state was
established, the land was under Palestine or Jordan ,
had these factors.
No one has ever, ever done any
serious study into the minds of the Zionist leaders of the present day Zionist
state of Israel and how they came to be so shaped.
No wonder, one tends to get
carried away and react to whatever they do, which are often those that they had
done before, and continuously, to exert themselves, taking any action by the
Palestinians who they call ‘militants’ for trying to disturb the peace the
Zionists and their supports should enjoy living in the land that was not theirs
in the first place.
The cycle of events and
pseudo-events look like they are a repeat of past incursions by the Zionist
forces against the hapless Palestinians in Gaza
and the West Bank .
I made a visit to Ramallah in
September, 1999 when I was invited to show some of my film and television
dramas at the Khalil
Sakakini Cultural
Center there, at a time
when there was talk about everlasting peace that was going to happen soon. But
it was not to be.
The reason being, the Zionists would not have anything to do with it. They knew they stood to lose big if this happen, with the two-state solution allowing the Palestinians back on their lands and those lands that had been taken over by force by the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) returned.
The Zionist leaders knew they were
not ready for such a scenario that could be bad for them.
But at the same time they knew
they were stuck in a limbo, of not being able to go anywhere towards achieving
peace with the Palestinians and the Arabs who are surrounding them.
They knew whatever land they could keep, would not be sustainable, and how the Zionist Elders had made a terrible mistake for encouraging them to go to the land which was barren that could not support human habitation.
Worse when the smarter Jews
refused to return to Israel leaving the state with those who were mere economic
desperadoes from the former east European states and soviet union to take up
citizenship who have actually moved into the new concentration camp created by
the elders of Zion and being surrounded by the Zionist wall of shame.
Land with no water and is
located in an area which is not only parched but also unsafe, with poor
security features.
These two factors are what had
forced the Zionist leaders to become crazy in their search to steal more land
that could ensure they have a steady supply of water, and which is also safe in
terms of the security of the state.
Where does it say that the
Zionists Elders would be the saviors of the Jews? The name or word Zionists is
not mentioned in the Jewish holy books, the Torah and Talmud.
The Zionist Elders appeared to
think that they are the real saviors of the Jews, when the holy books of the
Jews clearly do not mention them.
And what could the creation of
the Zionist state of Israel
achieve? Nothing!
They did not even dare to call
the state as such. Yet, they believe that Zionism is the only way for the
salvation of the World Jewry.
And there are no Zionist Clubs
in any university in America
too including perhaps in the Zionist state of Israel where they should have
established them to be much like the Boys’ Scout or Red Crescent movements
which are good for the world.
It was not even mentioned in
the two holy books of the Jews.
In fact, the land that the
Zionists now claim to be the Zionist state of Israel was not even provided with
the barest essentials to allow whoever that live in it to survive for long.
The land can only continue to
exist if it is part of Jordan ,
Syria and Palestine . How?
Here’s how.
The land that the Zionists
call the state of Israel
was not even provided with water. That was how thoughtful their Gods were when
they created this land which is devoid of this basic necessity to sustain any
human being and colony.
The land was also devoid of
trees, and those areas that had trees were all in the other regions where the
Palestinians were, before they were displaced by the Zionists who grabbed and
stole the land to create their own state.
It was also so shaped so much
so that it is left vulnerable to outside forces that could threaten its very
existence if it is under Zionist occupation.
This is a fact of nature that
the land of the Zionist state of Israel
cannot exist if the Zionist leaders did not steal land from Jordan to
ensure that the water it has is used by the Zionists and Jews there.
And Golan Heights in Jordan
was so created to show to the Zionists that the land they had stolen from the
Palestinians and Jordanians cannot be held by them for so long unless if they
also steal the Heights to use as a military post like what they are doing now.
Therefore, from what nature
had provided, the Zionist state of Israel could not exist on its own; it can
only do so if it is part of Palestine, Jordan and Syria which can co-exist like
it had happened before for centuries, until the small group of Zionist Elders
decreed that they had to create a homeland for the Jews who had Zionist
inclination, a political tool and philosophy that do not match with the real
existence of the Jews so much so that the Orthodox Jews or Hassidic Jews do not
recognize the existence of the Zionist state of Israel.
This group of Jews ought to
know better what the Jews can do and must do, which is to live with the
Palestinians until the advent of their Messiah. And the Zionist Elders are not
the messiahs or saviors.
The Zionist Elders did not
even know simple logic and geography to realize that the land they wanted to
create a homeland for the Jews with Zionist leanings to be barren and good for
the dead, since ancient times.
And the Original Jews had fled
to other areas and countries which are Arabic where Islam was the more
prominent religion so that they were able to prosper living in these countries.
In Singapore a Jew was elected by the
mostly non-Jew population including many Muslim voters to high office, that of
the chief minister of the country.
And there were large Jewish
communities in all the major cities in the Arab and other Muslim countries who
were able to live in peace with the local Muslim population, because they did
not have Zionist leanings.
Those who sympathized with
Zionism and believed in this pseudo-political ideology soon found their way to
the Zionist state of Israel
thinking that such a move was in line with ancient Jewish edicts.
Unfortunately, they were all
frustrated when they realize that the Zionists did not offer them any
salvation; they had to endure persecution by being stuck in the New
Concentration Camp otherwise known as the Zionist state of Israel, a state that
does not enjoy cordial relationship with the majority of the countries in the
world, where they are not able to shout on top of their throats, to say how
proud they are for being Jews and Zionists, too.
The Zionists in the state of Israel live in
fear even in this entity and scared if they leave it to travel anywhere in the
They cannot communicate with
anyone speaking in English and much less Hebrew, the original language of the
There are also no Little
Israels in any major city in the world especially in America .
So there is no way for the
Zionist Leaders today to be able to return the lands they had stolen from the
Jordanians and Palestinians because to do that, they will all perish living in
such an unfriendly environment with no natural water supply.
And despite their brilliance,
they had yet to discover how to desalinate sea water which they can get from
the Mediterranean Sea , so that they do not
have to continue surviving on water that is stolen from the Jordanians.
Worse, the Zionist Leaders
will never be able to expand their level of intelligence because to be able to
do this, they could find themselves believing more and more of what the
Orthodox Jews or Hassidic Jews and Arabs and other Muslims have been saying all
these years, that the real and true future of the Jews is in the hands of the
Arabs and Palestinians, as what the World Hassidim says.